Author: admin

Media and Public Culture

This book is a compilation of the papers presented at the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies on a theme: Media and Public Culture in Bhutan held from 26 to 28 June 2006 in Thimphu, Bhutan. 27 scholars from various parts of the world participated in the seminar. The papers covered a wide range of themes such as history, religion, culture, polity, economy, language, education, ICT, audio-visual industry and sustainable development. Not all papers presented in the seminar could be included in this publication.

The Centre would like to thank all the participants and authors.

By admin 4th October 2013 Off

Rethinking Development

The papers in this publication were presented at the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness, which was held from 20 to 24 June 2005 at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. The conference was attended by scholars from various parts of the world. The conference emphasized the exploration of practices and the sharing of actual experiences. It built on the first GNH Conference held in 2004 in Thimphu, Bhutan and carried the subject further by focusing on what may be thought of as “reports from the field” as indicators not necessarily of the state of achievement of Gross National Happiness but of the variety of experiences and experiments “out there” that can orient us in one or another direction as we seek ways to operationalize the concept.

By admin 4th October 2013 Off

Gross National Happiness and Development

The papers in this publication were presented at the first International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness, which was held from 18 to 20 February 2004 in Thimphu. The conference was attended by scholars from various parts of the world. They presented papers on a wide range of themes such as culture, religion, economy, environment, development issues and international relations. The Centre for Bhutan Studies would like to thank the authors for their contributions.

By admin 4th October 2013 Off


རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་དགའ་སྐྱིད་དཔལ་འཛོམས་ཀྱི་འཁོར་ལོ་རྣམ་དགུའི་རྩོམ་ཡིག དཔལ་འབྲུག་ཞིབ་འཇུག་ལྟེ་བ་ནས་ རྡོ་རྗེ་རྒྱལ་མཚན་གྱི་བསྒྲིགས། Expository Verses on the Nine Domains of Gross National Happiness by Dorji Gyeltshen

By admin 4th October 2013 Off