Category: Announcements

Zhidar Matters: The Rise and Fall of a Controversial 18th Century Bhutanese Ruler

The book is a brief account of Zhidar, alias Sonam Lhundup, who was the 16th Druk Desi (reigned 1769-1773), a civilian head of the dual system of governance. He was ousted from power by his political rivals led by Jigme Senge, the 7th throne holder and, therefore, the ‘nominal’ head of the state. It was not a disgrace to lose a war against the British, who were then consolidating their holdings in Bengal after 1757. What was disgraceful is the overthrowing, in absentia, of a war commander in place of giving a hero’s welcome, whether he returned home as a victor or vanquished. Most nations in history gave this due honor, which was denied to Zhidar.

By admin 26th September 2021 Off