Category: Books

A Lamp Which Illuminates the Origin of the Sovereign and the Subject

The Centre for Bhutan Studies got hold of this manuscript rje ’bangs kyi ’byung khungs gsal ba’i sgron me zhes bya ba bzhugs so//for two days, after which it had to be returned to the owner. Translated as A lamp which illuminates the origin of the sovereign and the subjects, the manuscript was in possession of Chi mung kho che, the name of a nobility in eastern and central Bhutan. The Centre came to know about the manuscript’s whereabouts from Pema Gyalpo, himself a descendant of Chi mung kho chew, while interviewing about this nobility. His sibling Bumchu Wangdi, who was then taking care of the manuscript, agreed to borrow it to the Centre on the condition that the property will not be misused, including its reproduction for profit.

By admin 3rd August 2018 Off

GNH of Business: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Gross National Happiness

One of the key outputs of any conference is its proceedings. This book is an edited compilation of selected papers presented at the seventh international conference on Gross National Happiness held from 7 to 9 November 2017, in Thimphu. It was held to commemorate the 62nd Birth Anniversary of the Fourth King of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the author of Gross National Happiness.

By admin 10th July 2018 Off

GNH Certification

GNH assessment tool for business was initiated by Dasho Tshering Tobgay, the Prime Minister of Bhutan. He first presented the idea of aligning business towards Gross National Happiness at the Sixth International Conference on GNH in 2015. To this end, the Centre for Bhutan Studies & GNH developed and released Proposed GNH of Business, a draft tool for integrating GNH in business, at the Seventh International Conference on GNH held in Thimphu in 2017. The report introduced an assessment tool to evaluate a business’s commitment to social responsibility. The tool, inspired by GNH, is comprised of a holistic set of indicators categorised under the nine domains of GNH.

By admin 6th April 2018 Off