Category: Books

280 Folk Songs of Bhutan

This book contains two hundred and eighty folk songs gathered from various places in the “land of the Dragon”, Bhutan. Two eminent scholars, Lopen Nado and Dasho Lam Sangnak, have kindly consented to check the content of these songs and to write a preface.
In a second volume, Kunzang Tobgyal and Mani Dorji want to gather more songs, which will be presented according to their origin in the sixteen [now twenty] districts of Bhutan, and to the kind of celebration with which they are related, such as marriage, new year, consecration of a house, archery, and so forth.

By admin 28th December 2017 Off

Proposed GNH of Business

The idea of incorporating GNH values into business was first proposed by His Excellency Dasho Tshering Tobgay, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bhutan, in his keynote address at the Sixth International Conference on Gross National Happiness held in Paro in 2015 (CBS, 2015). The Prime Minister mentioned that the current business model of overemphasizing profit maximisation and increasing shareholder value at the cost of environment and community was unsustainable. The Prime Minister expressed the need to recognise and manage these costs and risks, and called for integrating GNH values into business operation. Essentially, it meant measuring the success of a business by its ability to serve, facilitate, and engage with its stakeholders. This will require rethinking of business indicators used for gauging their success or failure.

By admin 8th November 2017 Off